Description of the IDtension Project
We aim at building a generator of dramatic actions, capable of interacting with the audience. Therefore, the system is based on a combination of several theories of narrative. From the structuralist theory (C. Bremond, T. Todorov, A. Greimas, etc.), we build a narrative logic, able to produce a set of possible actions at a given time. The narrative logic manipulates the following elements in the world of the story:
From pragmatics based theories (J.-M. Adams, U. Eco) we base our architecture on a dynamic audience model (or user model). The successive dramatic actions are organized by the narrative sequencer according to a simulated model of the user. For example, this model is responsible for expressing the need for surprise or conflict, which then triggers a corresponding action, if available. Current needs are:
Ethical consistency and conflict are based on the central concept of
values. Values are thematic axes according to which each task is
evaluated: honesty, friendship, family, fraternity, etc. They are stored
in the audience model. The theatre is responsible for representing the actions to the user, as well as managing the interaction with the user. |